In a study of cichlid in Lake Tanganyika were examined for short interspersed elements to track their evolutionary relationship.
  • Photograph of an agarose gel showing PCR fragments generated from primers that flank the AFC family of SINES. Large fragments containing this family are present in all members of the Lamprologini tribe of cichlids (lanes 9-20). DNA from the species in lane 2 has a similar, but shorter fragment, which may represent another repetitive sequence. DNA from other species (lanes 3-8 and 21-24) produce short, non-SINE-containing fragments.
  • A Southern blot of the gel probed with DNA from the AFC family of SINES. AFC is present in DNA from all species in the Lamprologini tribe (lanes 9-20), but not in DNA from other species (lanes 2-8 and 21-24).
  • A second Southern blot of the gel probed with the genomic sequence at which the AFC SINE inserts. All species examined (lanes 2-24) contain the insertion sequence. The larger fragments in