Chapter 2: Mitosis and Meiosis

Oogenesis: primary oocytes start meiosis I b4 puberty; FSH/LH surge by estrogen; corpus luteum secretes progesterone and estrogen
ADD prophase I, chiasma
REMOVE from meiosis_I.html? Too much!
MOVE mitosis_interphase to before prophase
1=B	2=A	3=D	4=B	5=C	6=D	7=D	8=B	9=D	10=B

1=Mitochondrion		2=Rough			3=F
4=G0			5=S

6=T			7=half			8=...condense
9=Genetic		10=...cytoplasm

11=Prophase I		12=S			13=...diploid
14=...alleles		15=G1/S and G2/M

16=6			17=92			18=4
19=exchange		20=...replicated during interphase

21=Centriole		22=Sister		23=f
24=8			25=second
26=Pachynema		27=Anaphase II
28=G1			29=Precise replication of DNA
21=	 		22=			23=
24=			25=
26=			27=			28=
29=			30=
  1. Pro Latin: forward (before, primary) Meta: Greek "after"
  2. homology search: "kissing" of the tips of stem loops: singled-stranded regions (yeast)
  3. Prophase I
  4. 2 pairs chromosomes: can be arranged 21=1 ways in metaphase 1, but 22=4 ways by metaphase 2.