Chapter 8: Chromosome Mutations

  1. Chromosome mutations matching exercise

  2. A chromosome break may produce ________ ends that can rejoin other broken ends and produce deletions, duplications, inversions, and translocations.
    1. sticky
    2. tacky
    3. spongy
    4. antiparallel
    5. antistatic
  3. A deletion in recessive mutants may exhibit ________ in a ________.
    1. pseudodominance, heterozygote
    2. codominance, heterozygote
    3. pseudodominance, homozygote
    4. codominance, homozygote
    5. semidominance, homozygote
  4. Rearrangement of the linear gene sequence and chromosomal looping can result in a(n)
    1. deletion.
    2. duplication.
    3. inversion.
    4. trisomy.
  5. A(n) ________ inversion includes the centromere in the inverted segment, often changing the arm ratio.
    1. paracentric
    2. acentric
    3. pericentric
    4. allocentric
    5. dicentric
  6. Which condition produced from an autosomal trisomy results in survival to adulthood?
    1. Cri-du-chat syndrome
    2. Edwards syndrome
    3. Patau syndrome
    4. Down syndrome
          • Cri-du-chat syndrome is a partial monosomy, Edwards and Patau syndrome usually live no more than a few months.